Our Objectives
The society is dedicated to advocating and promoting Sexual Health for all in New Zealand, emphasising high clinical standards and encouraging research on Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs).
The Society organises an annual conference, which includes an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and an academic programme. The Society's executive committee is elected at the AGM. Members must be financial to participate in the AGM or at Special General Meetings.

The Society organises an annual conference with an academic programme.

The society holds an annual general meeting at the conference for members and to elect the executive committee and office bearers.

Provides a regular e-bulletin to NZSHS members about activities and items of interest to the sector.

Maintains a website to inform members and health professionals about society activities and to host educational resources.

Expert Advisory role to the Ministry of Health Manatu Hauora and other government agencies in relation to proposed legislative or policy changes affecting Sexual Health.

Monitors trends in the epidemiology of STIs and HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand and advocates for appropriate intervention strategies.

Development and maintenance of national guidelines for STI management.

Provides and supports educational activities in STI/HIV prevention and Sexual Health for health professionals.

Advocacy role for key populations who are most at risk of STIs and HIV/AIDS.

Advocacy role to ensure continued government commitment to the provision of free confidential and widely available specialist sexual health clinical services.