New Zealand Sexual Health Society Research Scholarship
About the Scholarship
Scholarships are available to support domestic students in postgraduate study undertaking research related to sexual health in New Zealand.
Application status
Applicable study:
Postgraduate research-based degree (Honours or Masters)
Opening date:
1 September
Closing date:
15 December
Up to 12 months (pro rata for part-time)
Domestic students
Number on offer:
1 or 2 to a maximum value of $10,000
Offer rate:
$5,000 (Honours) or $10,000 (Masters)
Application form and contact information
Instructions: Download and complete the application form and email it to by 15 December with supporting evidence (GPA and academic transcript).

For more information, please contact or
Purpose of the scholarship
The main purpose of the NZSHS Research Scholarship is to encourage and support academically excellent students to complete a research project on a sexual health related topic. The overall aims are to:
Encourage and disseminate research on priority sexual health issues in Aotearoa
Foster postgraduate sexual health research capacity in Aotearoa
Provide a potential pathway to PhD study and build the sexual health research workforce
Further the interests of the NZSHS.
Selection will be based on academic merit and the quality of the research proposal.
The Scholarship will be awarded by the NZSHS President on recommendations received from the NZSHS research subcommittee.

The Scholarship shall be known as the NZSHS Research Scholarship.
The NZSHS Research Scholarship provides a tax-free stipend of up to $10,000 per annum, for up to 12 months for students enrolled in a postgraduate (Honours or Masters) degree.
Up to two Scholarships will be awarded annually. Students will be considered for the award of a NZSHS Research Scholarship on proof of admission into the postgraduate programme.
Tenure: Up to 12 months (pro-rata’d for part-time students). For: Domestic students. Number on offer: Up to two per annum. Value: Up to a maximum of $10,000 per annum, the intention being to fund one full-time Master’s thesis (valued at $10,000 each) or two full- time Honours dissertation students (valued at $5000 each).
The Scholarship will be awarded by the NZSHS President on recommendations received from the NZSHS research subcommittee.
Awarding will be based on academic merit, measured by the grade point average (GPA) obtained in the applicant’s most recent qualifying programme for study. Awardees should typically have a GPA of at least 7.00.
The quality of the applicant’s research proposal will also be taken into consideration.
Applicants must complete the attached form outlining: the proposed title; host institution; supervisory team; a brief proposal including the proposed topic, population studied, responsiveness to priority populations and equity including the Aotearoa Statement, proposed methods; potential significance of the research; and other funding and support received.
The amount of additional and paid work a Scholar may undertake either inside or outside the University shall not exceed a total of 500 hours per scholarship year.
A NZSHS Research Scholarship can be held concurrently with another scholarship.
A recipient shall provide a copy of the final research thesis, dissertation or project to the NZSHS upon completion.
It is an expectation that recipients proffer their research to the NZSHS annual conference in the year of or following their study. Submissions must note that they are a recipient of a NZSHS Research Scholarship. If accepted for presentation, recipients can apply for a NZSHS Conference Scholarship to subsidise attendance and will be given favourable consideration.