The New Zealand Sexual Health Society (NZSHS) is a group of professionals working or interested in the field of Sexual Health.
Our Story
Membership is multidisciplinary and includes doctors, nurses, counsellors, educators, health promoters and others in Public Health working in the field of sexually transmissible infections, including HIV/AIDS, and sexual and reproductive health.
The New Zealand Sexual Health Society Inc. was formerly the New Zealand Venereological Society (NZVS). This change occurred in 2006 to express the wider aims of this society more fully.
The Society become Incorporated in April 2010.
In 2012 The society welcomed onto the Executive Dr Alison Green, formerly of Te Whariki Takapou (currently a Professor at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi). NZSHS have benefited greatly from the knowledge and experience shared in guiding us along our journey towards progressing the aims of the Aotearoa Statement, to which the society is a signatory. NZSHS would like to acknowledge her significant contribution to the society.
We would also like to thank Dr Kim Southey, former executive member (currently undertaking post graduate doctoral research at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato University of Waikato) and Vernon Waretini for his website technical support.

New Zealand Sexual Health History
Milestones in New Zealand Sexual Health
Dame Margaret Sparrow, one of our members, compiled this history of sexual health in New Zealand.
This history is relevant to honour those who have contributed in the past, enhancing our understanding of the present and providing us with insights so that we can more clearly formulate a vision for the future.
A Tribute to Ettie Rout
Dame Margaret Sparrow has also written a tribute to Ettie Rout in 2014 to celebrate her as a sexual health pioneer. It is a collection of events beginning in the First World War where she promoted 'safe sex' with the Australian and New Zealand troops.
Current NZSHS Executive Members
Jeannie Oliphant
Kate Allen
Suzanne Werder
Anne Robertson
Alison Stewart-Piere
Brooke Hollingshead
Fiona McNamara
Massimo Giola
Peter Saxton
Samora Kake
Sheila Clarkson
Sunita Azariah
Tracey Bentall